Pronoun Subject Agreement

Pronoun Subject Agreement: Tips and Tricks

As a writer or editor, pronoun subject agreement is an essential aspect of grammar that you should master. Pronouns can be tricky, and using them correctly requires a good understanding of grammatical rules. In this article, we will explore some tips and tricks to help you avoid the common pitfalls of pronoun subject agreement.

What is Pronoun Subject Agreement?

Pronoun subject agreement refers to the correct use of pronouns to match the number and person of the noun they replace. For example, if the subject is singular, the pronoun must also be singular. Likewise, if the subject is plural, the pronoun must be plural as well.

Incorrect: The team, they are playing well.

Correct: The team is playing well; it is doing a good job.

Tips for Pronoun Subject Agreement

1. Identify the subject: It is crucial to understand the subject and verb agreement before using pronouns in a sentence. Identify the subject and verb to determine the agreement.

2. Use singular or plural pronouns as appropriate: Use a singular pronoun for singular nouns and a plural pronoun for plural nouns. For example, „He” for singular and „They” for plural.

3. Be cautious with indefinite pronouns: Some pronouns, such as „anyone,” „someone,” and „everyone,” are singular and require singular pronouns. Others like „everyone” and „both” can take either singular or plural. In cases of uncertainty, opt for plural pronouns.

4. Use the appropriate gender: When referring to people, use the appropriate gender pronouns. For example, use „she” to refer to a female and „he” to refer to a male. When in doubt, opt for gender-neutral pronouns like „they.”

5. Avoid using pronouns as nouns: Pronouns should not be used as nouns in a sentence. Instead, they should be used to replace the noun.

Incorrect: My sister is a great cook; she loves to cook.

Correct: My sister is a great cook; she loves cooking.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your writing is grammatically correct and appears professional. With practice, you will become more proficient in using pronouns to achieve subject agreement.


Pronoun subject agreement is an essential aspect of writing, and mastering it can make you a better writer or editor. Remember to identify the subject, use a singular or plural pronoun, be cautious with indefinite pronouns, use the appropriate gender, and avoid using pronouns as nouns. By following these tips and tricks, you can ensure that your writing is grammatically correct and professional.